The Hudson School of Mathematics

"The universe cannot be read until we have learnt the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language..." This is a quote from Galileo (1564-1642). The next centuries would confirm his quote. Mathematics are everywhere. From Quantum Physics to Neuroscience, from Cell Phones to Meteorology, from Epidemiology to Artificial Intelligence... Mathematics are ubiquitous in Science and Technology. They have been used to describe, understand and predict natural phenomena from centuries, with an explosion in the past century. The Hudson School of Mathematics is intended to develop Mathematics and its applications through Research and Teaching. We aim at promoting research in maths, both from theoretical and applicative point of view. Our domain of expertise relies on the Theory of Dynamical Systems, which in a broad sense, deals with the mathematical description of processes including time. From an applicative point of view, our interests include Biology, Neuroscience, Physics. We also disseminate courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. We are proud to engage trough actions directed toward our local communities around New York City. Meanwhile, our commitments include the promotion of interactions around Mathematics and its applications all across the world.
The Hudson School of Mathematics is a Non Profit Organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the IRC.