Bio - Dynamics - Days (BDD) 2024 - 9th Edition   

Mathematics with Applications to Life Science:

Modeling, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, ODE, PDE, DDE, Bifurcations, Chaos, Turbulence, Statistics, Stochastics, Data Science, Complex Systems and Interacting Networks. With applications to Neuroscience, Epidemics, Population Dynamics, Ecosystems ....


The Lab of Mathematics of Le Havre university (LMAH), with the support of several structures (Le Havre Normandie University, Federation Normandie Mathematics FR-CNRS-3335 FNM , CNRS , the ISCN , the Normandie region RN, the French Speaking Society for Theoretical Biology (SFBT)) and by a network of researchers from Normandie, develops as a unifying theme: Complex Systems, Dynamical Systems, Networks and Applications to life science (Brain dynamics, Epidemiology, Ecosystems...). It organizes the Bio Dynamics Days (BDD) from several years. In September, BDD2024 will be organized in hybrid mode between France and the US with the support from diffferent schools. The speakers are:

  • Raluca EFTIMIE, Besançon, France
  • Albert GOLDBETER, Brussels, Belgium
  • Aymen BALTI, Le Havre, France
  • Jonah KELLER, New York, USA


8:15 am ET/14h15 France Time, Opening of the Workshop

8:30 am ET/14h30 France Time, Raluca Eftimie
Title: Modelling heterogeneous immune responses in cancer (and associated disorders): local and non-local dynamics
10:15 am ET/16h15 France Time, Albert Goldbeter
Title: Modeling biological rhythms : Dynamical systems and limit cycles
Abstract , Video
11:30 am ET/17h30 France Time, Aymen Balti
Title: AI, VR and Mathematical Modeling of Emotions
12:00 pm ET/18h00 France Time, Jonah Keller
Title: Plasma Proteomics of Genetic Brain Arteriosclerosis and Dementia Syndrome Identifies Signatures of Fibrosis, Angiogenesis, and Metabolic Alterations

To attend the conference

  • By zoom: Contact Benjamin Ambrosio
  • In person: Room Madeleine de Scudéry, PRSH, Le Havre Normandie University (Site Lebon)


  • Benjamin Ambrosio, LMAH
  • M.A. Aziz-Alaoui, LMAH
Organizing Committee:
  • S.I. Abdi, Djibouti
  • A. Balti, LMAH
  • Cyrille Bertelle, LITIS, Le Havre, France
  • Jean-Guy Caputo, INSA, Rouen, France
  • Rodolphe Charrier, LITIS
  • Nathalie Corson, LMAH
  • Arnaud Ducrot, LMAH
  • Kamal Khalil, LMAH
  • Valentina Lanza, LMAH
  • Irmand Mikiela, LMAH
  • Quentin Griette, LMAH
  • Mamadou Kasse, LMAH
  • Abdelatif Oujbara, LMAH
  • Armel Andami Ovono, LAREMA, Libreville, GABON
  • Lucien Vidagbanji, LMAH
  • Assane Wade, LMAH
Scientific Committee:
  • Stanislav M. Mintchev, Cooper Union, NY, USA
  • Yuri Latushkin, University of Missouri, USA
  • Aaditya Rangan, NYU, USA
ULHN, FNM-CNRS-3335, ISCN and LMAH (Applied Math Lab., Univ. of Le Havre), 25 Rue Ph. Lebon, BP 540, Le Havre,Cedex, France.

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